On 06 June 2023, Uttar Pradesh Cabinet approved the Rs 801 crore for the Chilla elevated road project to unclog the Delhi-Noida route, which was stalled for years due to funding issues. The construction work of the road is expected to be completed within three and a half years.
On completion, the 5.96 km road will connect Mayur Vihar in Delhi to the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway near Mahamaya flyover, bypassing the traffic from Sectors 14A, 14, 15, 15A, 16 and 18 in Noida. The six lanes road will allow commuters to cross the city borders within minutes.
The Noida Authority will fund 50 percent (approx. Rs 393.6 crore) of the project cost, and the remaining will financed by the Central government's Gati Shakti scheme, which facilitates financial assistance for infrastructure projects.
The Uttar Pradesh State Bridge Corporation (UPSBCL) will issue fresh tender for the elevated road and provide technical supervision while Noida Authority will oversee the project and release the funds.