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1. Boolean Searches :

i. AND - Shows results where both terms on either side of the 'AND' operator are present. 'AND' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi AND metro result - It will return records in which 'delhi' as well as 'metro' both are present.

ii. OR - Shows results where either term (or both terms) is present. 'OR' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi OR metro result - It will return records in which either 'delhi' or 'metro' or both are present

2. Proximity Searches

A proximity search looks for terms that are within a specific distance from one another. For example, search term - 'delhi metro'~10 result - It will search for records where 'delhi' and 'metro' are found within 10 words of each other

3. Phrase searches

You can search phrases using double quotes. for e.g. 'delhi metro' result - It will return records where 'delhi metro' phrase is found.

AmpIn Energy, Jupiter International forge partnership for 1.3 GW cell and module unit

Thursday, 26 Oct 2023
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AmpIn Energy Transition has forged a partnership with Jupiter International to set up a 1.3 GW solar cell and module manufacturing unit in the country. Under the joint venture (JV), the manufacturing facility will focus on high-quality solar cells and modules, aligned to the PLI Tranche-II scheme.

With trhis, AmpIn Energy aims to achieve backward integration by optimising its operations for quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Further, combining Jupiter International's solar cell manufacturing expertise with AmpIn's commitment to renewables would help stabilise the supply chain and reduce India's reliance on imports.

The PLI initiative is designed to diminish global supply chain disruptions and reduce the nations' dependence on solar imports, with a boost to manufacturing. 

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