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1. Boolean Searches :

i. AND - Shows results where both terms on either side of the 'AND' operator are present. 'AND' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi AND metro result - It will return records in which 'delhi' as well as 'metro' both are present.

ii. OR - Shows results where either term (or both terms) is present. 'OR' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi OR metro result - It will return records in which either 'delhi' or 'metro' or both are present

2. Proximity Searches

A proximity search looks for terms that are within a specific distance from one another. For example, search term - 'delhi metro'~10 result - It will search for records where 'delhi' and 'metro' are found within 10 words of each other

3. Phrase searches

You can search phrases using double quotes. for e.g. 'delhi metro' result - It will return records where 'delhi metro' phrase is found.

NLC's Ghatampur thermal project to start commercial operations soon

Monday, 15 Jul 2024
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NLC India, a coal and lignite mining and power producer, expects to start commercial operation from the first of the three units of its new Ghatampur thermal power plant in Uttar Pradesh, on 31 July, 2024. The ‘commercial operation date’ or the date from which power purchase agreement (PPA) period starts, for the second and third units is expected to be in November this year, and March 2025.

Unit-I was connected to the grid in November with the ‘balance of plant’, mainly, ash and coal handling plants, work completed. 

The Ghatampur thermal power plant is being set up with an investment of Rs 19,406 crore by a joint venture of NLC India and Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam, in which the former holds 51 percent stake. The sales of electricity from the Ghatampur station will add Rs 500-600 crore to the company’s net profit.

Seventy-five percent of the electricity generated is to be sold to UP Power Corporation, while the rest of the generation will be sold to Assam. 

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