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1. Boolean Searches :

i. AND - Shows results where both terms on either side of the 'AND' operator are present. 'AND' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi AND metro result - It will return records in which 'delhi' as well as 'metro' both are present.

ii. OR - Shows results where either term (or both terms) is present. 'OR' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi OR metro result - It will return records in which either 'delhi' or 'metro' or both are present

2. Proximity Searches

A proximity search looks for terms that are within a specific distance from one another. For example, search term - 'delhi metro'~10 result - It will search for records where 'delhi' and 'metro' are found within 10 words of each other

3. Phrase searches

You can search phrases using double quotes. for e.g. 'delhi metro' result - It will return records where 'delhi metro' phrase is found.

BHEL and NPCIL sign MoU for PHWR-based nuclear power plants

Wednesday, 12 Apr 2023
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Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) and Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly pursue business opportunities in the area of nuclear power plants based on pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) technology.

Under the MoU, BHEL and NPCIL will jointly explore opportunities for development of nuclear power projects with a view to reduce project gestation time. The collaboration will pave the way for early implementation of non-polluting and long-cycle projects, which will also complement the G20 theme of environmental sustainability and a move towards a clean future.

BHEL is the only Indian company to be actively associated with all the three stages of the Indian Nuclear Programme, with the capability to design, engineer, manufacture & supply, primary side (reactor headers, end shields, and others) as well as secondary side (steam turbines, generators, heat exchangers, among others) equipment for nuclear power plants.

NPCIL boasts of operating 22 commercial nuclear power plants in India, with a total installed capacity of 6,780 MWe, and over 580 reactor years of safe operating experience.

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