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1. Boolean Searches :

i. AND - Shows results where both terms on either side of the 'AND' operator are present. 'AND' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi AND metro result - It will return records in which 'delhi' as well as 'metro' both are present.

ii. OR - Shows results where either term (or both terms) is present. 'OR' must be in upper case. For example search term - delhi OR metro result - It will return records in which either 'delhi' or 'metro' or both are present

2. Proximity Searches

A proximity search looks for terms that are within a specific distance from one another. For example, search term - 'delhi metro'~10 result - It will search for records where 'delhi' and 'metro' are found within 10 words of each other

3. Phrase searches

You can search phrases using double quotes. for e.g. 'delhi metro' result - It will return records where 'delhi metro' phrase is found.

Work commences on Nzadi cable project in Angola

Friday, 06 Nov 2020
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Work has commenced on implementation of the proposed Nzadi cable project in Angola. The project is being implemented by Nzadi Consortium, and its partner WFN Strategies which is a leading submarine cable engineering firm.

The Nzadi Cable System will comprise the main trunk cable from Luanda to Cabinda in the Central African country, with a Branching Unit for future connection to Soyo, as well as potential system northward expansion to both the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

It will consist of a high fiber count of up to 14 fiber pairs and connect some 15 to 30 offshore Oil & Gas assets. It is expected to start offering services in the Q4/2023.

The project is committed to utilising as much local content as possible, thereby benefitting local businesses that qualify for the provision of the civil works on the dry plant side in the Luanda, Soyo and Cabinda provinces of Angola.

In the mid to long term, services are expected to be contracted to local businesses for the provision of water, power, infrastructure security, dry plant maintenance services, as well as direct employment to help operate and administer the subsea network.

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